RIB Boat Cruise to Käyhkää and Kukonharju Canals in Puumala
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Welcome to Puumala for a historical canal cruise to Käyhkää and Kukonharju! On this Saimaa cruise, you’ll explore the military canals built in the late 18th century by Russian General Alexander Suvorov. The cruise departs from Puumala Harbor, with a stop at Kukonharju to view the site’s remains. Cruise Route: Puumala Harbor – Ummistonvesi – via Ristivesi – Käyhkää Canal – Kukonharju Canal – Puumala Harbor. General Suvorov is relatively unknown to Finns, but in Russia, he holds a status similar to Mannerheim in Finland. Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov (1729–1800) was a Russian military leader and generalissimo, known as the "General of Generals." His immortal fame stems from the fact that he never lost any of the approximately 60 battles he fought. In 1791, Catherine II tasked Suvorov with planning and overseeing fortifications in Old Finland. Suvorov initiated the construction of new fortifications and the repair of old ones. He also began constructing four military canals—Kutvele, Käyhkää, Kukonharju, and Telataipale—which connected Lappeenranta and Olavinlinna. Contemporaries described Suvorov as eccentric and stubborn. He was down-to-earth and preferred the company of peasants to the grand festivities of St. Petersburg’s nobility, where he was often regarded as eccentric or even mad. Suvorov’s family roots appear to trace back to Finland, and he considered himself Finnish, although Russian historians naturally reject this interpretation. Aboard Rib Saimaa, you'll have the chance to explore Suvorov's fascinating military canals with guided commentary! Narratives about the Gustav War and Kukonharju Canal are available in Finnish, English, and Russian. A Variety of Cruise Options Available Choose from cruises to Kukonharju alone or to both Kukonharju and Käyhkää canals, with or without traditional campfire coffee. Explore the options! Kesä 2025 Tämä on yksi Päämajasi Saimaalla -tuotteista.