Snowshoeing trip to Astuvansalmi Rock Paintings


  • Suurlahdentie 3189 52360 Someenjärvi Navigate

EXPERIENCE THE WINTER SCENERIES OF LAKE SAIMAA IN THE MIDDLE OF AN ANCIENT ART EXHIBITION AND HEAR THE FASCINATING STORY OF THE ROCK PAINTINGS! The tour is available on request and the starting time can be arranged according to your wishes. We will meet at the Astuvansalmi parking lot (Suurlahdentie 2039, approx. 40 km from Mikkeli) from where we calmly take off towards the rock paintings. Route goes through the forest and it takes about an hour to get there and explore the 6000-year-old rock art. The magnificent Northern Europe's largest rock paintings tell their ancient story with many different images. At the same time, the guide tells the birth story of the paintings and stories from Lake Saimaa. A warm drink is included in the price. You can order handmade seasonal packed lunch using local ingredients to enjoy in site for extra fee. This excursion is suitable for everyone in basic physical condition. Older children are also welcome, if snowshoes suits them. Guiding languages are Finnish and English. You need clothes suitable for the weather, good shoes (+ leggings/other leg protectors) and a drinking water to go. You can also bring a sitting cover if you like. !EXCURSIONS BOOKED FOR WINTER HOLIDAY WEEKS 17.2 - 10.3.2024 INCLUDES A WARM DRINK AND A SMALL SALTY SNACK! OPTIMAL GROUP SIZE: 4 - 12 persons DURATION: 3 - 3,5 hrs PRICE: 65 € / person (inc. VAT 24%), Food 20 € (inc. VAT 14%) Minimum billing 4 persons. Bigger groups can ask pricing by email. Bookings 48 hours before the trip.