The church of Juva and the church park
- Juvantie 17 51900 Juva Navigate

Juva’s built-up area is dominated by the grey stone church from 1863, which was designed by Ernst Lohrmann and Carl Albert Edelfelt. The acoustically excellent church can fit approximately 1600 people, and in additions to religious ceremonies, it serves as a space for concerts and recitals around the year. The church’s altar painting was painted by Aleksandra Frosterus-Såltin. The chandeliers hanging above the central aisle used to illuminate the great hall of Helsinki University. The church park has a war grave, whose arched gate portraying a sentry was sculpted by Tapio Wirkkala. The Heroes’ Cross in the middle of the war grave was revealed in 1955. The church park has also monuments for 49th infantry regiment, the deceased left in Karelia, and Kaarle Akseli Gottlund. Next to the main doors of the church is sculptor Taru Mäntynen’s relief, which was revealed on January 19th, 1992, on Juva’s 550th birthday.